Sunday, January 2, 2011

~~~~ As this is the start of a new year i get to make a new visitation schedule up for Son to see his father. i mark all the calendars in the house (3) plus the one in my purse with all the weekends and holidays. Plus i print up a schedule (x3) with everything on it that we each get. So much fun.

~~~~ On top of all of that the hot water pipes to one of the un-rented apartments froze and burst sometime last night and we have NO hot water at all and the basement is FLOODED. The neighbor kids came knocking on my door asking what to do and who to call. This is after other neighbor kids borrowed a cup of sugar and some coffee filters also this morning. It is nice to know that they all know they can turn to me when something is wrong or needed. Now that there is no hot water for a while i called my ex and asked him to have Son take a shower there before he comes here. (Not that i think it will happen) 

~~~~ i am going to go back to working on calendars and schedules so that i can go back to read Emma on my Kindle. i do so love my Kindle. i was telling a friend of mine, that i have known since i was little and just started talking to again (KW), about it and she downloaded the app for her phone and going to get the Kindle for PC as well so that she can take them with her to the hospital when she goes in for her back surgery and can read the books that she wants that way.

~~~~ KW and i have known each other since we were about 10 or so. She and her mom used to live in the duplex above my cousins. We stopped talking for a while over something stupid and then reconnected around September on Facebook. Turns out she knows an ex-boyfriend of mine and several people i went to school with. She now lives in TN and we got to see each other when we were in OH for Christmas. We all got together at AP's apartment. We all had a great time when we got together too and read my Tarot cards for the three of us. Then just talked of things we have been through and mutual friends for all of us. i hope to see them all again soon but do not know when that will happen.