Tuesday, November 24, 2009

~~~~ i know no matter what goes on in my life Roommate and AP can always make me laugh. If i listed all the inside jokes between AP and i people would really think us strange. Then again we are. Here is a small list

  • 1. Neurological-Syphilis of the Puss
  • 2. For Your Messed Up Togas.
  • 3. Why won't you have sex with me? Fallowed by various reason and excuses for the answer. (This one is with Roommate)
  • 4. My dick is hard.
  • 5. Dah Da Da Dah, Dah Da Da Dah __________'s World
  • 6. Leaves
  • 7. Making the 50 foot women happy. (This one is also with Roommate)
  • 8. Just making you feel at home.
  • 9. Make my taters woman. (This one is with Roommate too)
  • 10. Don't make me kill myself. i swear i will slice my finger with the scissors.
  • 11. OO OO OO me man me fix. OO OO OO
That is just the list of the top eleven inside jokes for us. We have so many but they always make us laugh. We can call each other at any time and before we are off the phone 9 times out of 10 we will have been laughing so hard one or both of us will have had to throw the phone down and run to the washroom before we pee our pants.

~~~~ i can not imagine what my life would be like without AP or Roommate they have kept me sane in the face of insanity. And had me laughing when all i wanted to do was cry. i keep telling AP she needs to move out here and be closer to me but she will not do that. Then again the
world might come to an end if we lived to close not to mention the phone companies would lose a lot of business. It is a good thing i have unlimited everything on my cell and she has me on her friends and family free list or our bills would be through the roof. Roommate and i are just that roommates so i do not need to call him like i do with AP he is just here when he is not working and we have some great laughs together and to see him and Son together is like watching to monkeys in a zoo. They are always goofing around and having fun.

~~~~ my estranged and her ex husband both tried to keep us apart but it did not work and her husband now does not like us talking because he feels she talks to me more then him. He also has this strange idea that i do not like him. i do not know where he gets it from. Just because i would love to strangle him and ring his lazy fat neck, does not mean that i do not like him does it? Okay, and there is the small detail that a lot of our inside jokes are at his expense, but he does not know about that. Oh well. AP and i stil
l manage to talk to each other at least once a day sometimes a lot more then that. But when we live 7 hours apart and neither of us really has the money to visit the other all we have is the phone and the internet to keep us close and boy do we use them. But she always spends unwanted time with her husband whom we call "wifey" because he bitches, nags, and whines more then a woman does.

~~~~ Besides laughing all the time with my closest friends and Son i have been stitching away at my crocheting. Scarves and hats and fingerless gloves and blankets and lots of ideas for more stuff to make when i am done with all the projects i have started now. It is so much fun to
sit with AP on speaker phone and laugh and talk to her while i just crochet away. We spent over an hour doing that today. It is our own version of the Stitch and Bitch that a lot of women who knit and crochet go to. Though i would love to find one of those out here and maybe learn to knit or learn some new crochet stitches and patterns.