Sunday, September 12, 2010

~~~~ i have been trying to tell someone how i truly feel about them for a very long time. And that i am very sorry that i ever hurt them. They are having a hard time receiving my message because of the pain and the fear of getting hurt again if they open up their heart. So i have decided to send my message for them into the Universe and when the time is right they will cross the energy of the message and feel it in there heart that i am being honest with my words. i am going to write down everything i want to say to them in a letter and then on the full moon, September 23 at 4:18AM,  i am going to burn this letter with some sage and release it into the Universe. Then what is meant be will be, and what is meant to happen will happen in its own time. i am giving it up to the Goddess in all her glory, power, wisdom, and love to decide what is right and when.
~~~~ i have been hurting myself and them for far to long with this and it is time i stop and let the higher powers show me the correct way to deal with it. It is time i let myself heal and forgive myself so that they can heal and forgive me as well. Only then can we move on with our lives in the way that is meant to be, whatever that may be. i do love this person dearly and have for a long time. i feel absolutely horrible that i hurt them the way i did and that i did it without knowing that i was doing it. They have been there for me and helped me through many things that have happened lately in my life and i am eternally grateful to have them in my life. i do not know what i would have done or would do without their help, love, and support. 

~~~~ i truly hope that my gut feelings about this situation are correct and things will turn out the way that i would like them to but i know that what is meant to happen will happen and i have to accept that. i can not change the past and what i did i can only learn from it and if i ruined my dreams with my actions then that is the outcome i have to accept and live with.