Saturday, June 20, 2009

~~~~ You could say that my day started at the very beginning of June 19th at 12am. i had one of my horrible migraines and all i wanted to do was take my meds and get to sleep but Mother Nature had other plans and sent a not so nice lightening storm our way. i finally fell asleep at i do not know what time but i know my meds were working because i had my usual dream. (DO NOT ASK.) When i woke up at 6am to get ready for work i had a mild headache and was able to deal with that by taking Excedrin Migraine. Roommate drove me to the train station at 7am and there were tree branches all over the streets and one even tried to grab my car so we had to stop and make it let go. Thankfully it was only misting this morning and not pouring rain but my train was delayed by about 15mins because of debris on the tracks. i am also so very thankful that there was no lightening while i was on the train or either one of my buses.

~~~~ Once i got to work at about 9:30am it was a different story and i am just very thankful that i work in a mall and my store does not face any windows where i could see outside at all but i still heard it all. It was raining so hard at times it sounded like a train was on the roof of the mall and i could hear the thunder clapping and rolling off and on all day. At 7pm Roommate was at the mall to pick up Son and i and bring us home. Right before we were ready to leave it was raining so hard it looked like it was coming down in solid sheets of water and the lightening was flashing everywhere. As we were leaving the power in half the mall went out and i called my store to let my boss know that half the mall was out and she said that the other half was flickering. By the time we got out of the parking garage the rain had slowed down a lot but was still coming down pretty hard and the wind was really blowing. Roommate gave me his hat to cover my face with so that i did not have to see all the lightening..... i think every time i jumped from a flash of lightening i distracted him a little and that really was not a good thing. So i hid my eyes for a little while but my headache was back and leaning my head back with the hat over my face was not helping it any not to mention the fact that i was starting to get really hungry because i forgot to bring a lunch with me today.

~~~~ Okay, so i finally managed to fall asleep while we are driving home and was woken up because Son jumped and gasped when power line went down and landed next to the car sparking and giving what felt like a thump on the side of the car. Five different times there was so much water on the streets that the cops were blocking them off and sending us in a different direction and once we drove through the water before they blocked it off. For a while i thought we were going to be sent in a circle and end up back where we started with all the water hazards. When we got to the grocery store to pick up some really quick necessities we were told we were lucky we got there when we did they just got their power back after two hours without it. When we got home about 5mins away from the grocery store i checked the clocks and our power had not gone out at all. And so far it seems to be done with all the "stuff coming from the sky" as Son calls the lightening.

~~~~ One can only hope it will be a peaceful night and a nice day today (as it is 2am on the 2Oth now) and tomorrow. i am not sure my nerves can take much more of this "stuff coming from the sky". i know more is supposed to be coming next week and for a while yet but, really i could do with just the rain and none of the lightening for a while.