Wednesday, December 16, 2009

~~~~ Everyone uses the phrase; "Once in a blue moon" but do you know what a blue moon is? A "Blue Moon" is when there are two full moons in one calendar month. In fact there is a "Blue Moon" this month December 31st, New Years Eve is a full moon but also the "Blue Moon" as the other full moon this month was December 2nd. For those who believe there is power in the moon the "Blue Moon" is supposed to be three times as powerful.

**** The Full Moon, the phase seen by most as the time of gr
eat power for the positive. Having two Full Moons in one month is a rare occurrence. When the moon is seen the second time in the same cycle it is seen as a young mother. A mother caring for and affectionately raising her children in the light of truth, wisdom and love. The Blue Moon is a time of enormous influence for prophecy and divination. Its energies can be summoned for protection, wisdom and love. It is believed that any workings held beneath the Blue Moon are given additional energy, which makes this time magnificent for all work in manifesting goals, passion, healing, strength, and power.

~~~~ i think it is a sign of things to come in my life. One really hard year ending under a "Blue Moon" and the next beginning under that same "Blue Moon". i know that it is changes for the positive and for strength and for love.

~~~~ "When the moon rides at Her peak, Then your heart's desire seek." What better time to seek your heart's desire then at the end of one year and the beginning of a new ye
ar. Just remember your "New Year's Resolutions" this year are being made under the power of a "Blue Moon" Think long and hard what you want to use that power for before making some frivolous resolution that you do not intend to keep.